• Lucien Smith Found Object Polaroids

    May 11th '17

    thomas bettridge: What’s your process like when you’re taking these Polaroids? Do you just wander around with a camera? lucien smith: When I originally started them—when I was doing them in New York—I was always going on these bike rides in the early morning, or late at night, while I was walking home. At first…

  • Daniel Arnold Uncensored New York Streets

    May 1st '17

    thom bettridge: Your street photography has such a candid feel. Tell me a little bit about your process. daniel arnold: From my point of view, even calling it a process seems like over-selling it. The photography part of it has almost been secondary to this habit I have of aimlessly wandering around. For as long…

  • Free Jazz Vein

    Apr 25th '17

    colin tunstall: Tell me about Free Jazz Vein and how this movie is different from the rest—if it’s different at all. tin ojeda: Well, yeah, a little different. The concept is different than the last movie. It’s more jazz- and experimental-era oriented. The one before was more of a ’70s grindhouse porno movie. This one still…

  • Peter Sutherland The Nomadic Lens

    Apr 19th '17

    colin tunstall:  How was soccer this morning? peter sutherland:  It was good. I always love playing this time of year. It’s cold and I feel some kind of energy from that. We just celebrated our ten-year anniversary. Hopefully we’ve got ten more! ct:  So you’ve been playing with the Chinatown Soccer Club from the get-go? …

  • Harri Peccinotti

    Apr 13th '17

    thomas schwab: On my way to your place, I ran into a friend. When I told him I was en route to interview you, he got really excited. “Ask him about his relationship with the models on his sets. He is the master of erotic photographs! To me, he’s like the ancestor of Terry Richardson.”…

  • Eastern Surf Magazine

    Apr 5th '17

    zak bush: I’m curious to talk to you guys about surfing on the East Coast back in the day. How did you first get started? tom dugan: Surfing came into my life through surf magazines. I moved to Long Island from Ohio in the summer of 1965 and, for some reason, I had already been…

  • Olaf Breuning

    Mar 31st '17

    jen berean: One of the most recent works that I’ve seen of yours was Clouds in Central Park, which will be there through the summer. Do you enjoy working on public sculptures? Is that something you want to do more of? olaf breuning: The thing is, I like to do it all. When someone like…

  • JJJJound

    Mar 28th '17

    colin tunstall: I wanted to touch base on imagery. You work on a lot of different things. I received a package from you with a pin in it one time that was pretty unexpected, and I thought that was cool. Then I got the poster, which you had no explanation for, and I thought that…

  • Rin Tanaka Badges Of Honor

    Mar 27th '17

    colin tunstall: I saw in the forward of My Freedamn! that a Robert Frank exhibition in April of 1994 was a catalyst to start this process of yours. Can you tell me about that? rin tanaka: Robert Frank is very classic, right? Every young photographer has to study his photos, so I did the same…

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